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osCommerce 2.3 How to edit footer menu

Alice Weasley August 8, 2015
Rating: 3.7/5. From 3 votes.
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osCommerce 2.3 How to edit footer menu

This tutorial shows how to edit footer menu in osCommerce store:


Locate menu file

  1. Open your osCommerce installation directory and navigate to includes\modules\boxes folder and open cm_menu_footer.php or fm_menu.php file depending on your template with any code editor like Notepad++, Sublime, etc. or simply use Code Edit in your cPanel.

  2. We strongly recommend backing up the file before editing it.

  3. The footer menu is created using the unordered list layout:

    $data = '';

    Each menu button is a list item:

  4. ' . tep_draw_box_list_top() . '' . MODULE_BOXES_MAIN_MENU_BOX_SPECIALS . '' . tep_draw_box_list_bottom() . '
  5. ' .

Button titles

  1. To edit the menu button titles, navigate to includes\languages\english\modules\boxes directory and edit cm_menu_footer.php or fm_menu.php file depending on your template:

     define('MODULE_BOXES_MAIN_MENU_TITLE', 'Main Menu in Footer');
    define('MODULE_BOXES_MAIN_MENU_DESCRIPTION', 'Show Main Menu page links in Footer');
    define('MODULE_BOXES_MAIN_MENU_BOX_TITLE', 'Main Menu');
    define('MODULE_BOXES_MAIN_MENU_BOX_PRODUCTS_NEW', 'What\'s New?');
    define('MODULE_BOXES_MAIN_MENU_BOX_SPECIALS', 'Specials');
    define('MODULE_BOXES_MAIN_MENU_BOX_REVIEWS', 'Reviews');
    define('MODULE_BOXES_MAIN_MENU_BOX_CONTACT_US', 'Contacts');
    define('MODULE_BOXES_MAIN_MENU_BOX_ADVANCED_SEARCH', 'Advanced Search');
    define('MODULE_BOXES_MAIN_MENU_BOX_MY_ACCOUNT', 'My Account');
    define('MODULE_BOXES_MAIN_MENU_BOX_CREATE_ACCOUNT', 'Create an Account');
    define('MODULE_BOXES_MAIN_MENU_BOX_SHIPPING', 'Shipping & Returns');
  2. Change the text only between single quotes and make sure to back up the file before editing it.

  3. Save the changes.

Edit button links

  1. To edit the menu button link, edit tep_href_link(FILENAME_SPECIALS) variable. You can see the link variable values in the includes/filenames.php file:

     define('FILENAME_SPECIALS', 'specials.php');

    As you can see, FILENAME_SPECIALS links to the specials.php page.

  2. To add your variables and add your page, use this tutorial on how to add new page to osCommerce store.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

osCommerce 2.3 How to edit footer menu
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